White Pages

Yevgeniya Feldleyfer

Name: Yevgeniya Feldleyfer
Location: South Bend_Elkhart
Roles: NonCredit, Staff, Faculty
Title: Workforce Alignment Program Manager
Building/Room Number: ITOSS A7
Bio: I am a Lead Program Manager at Corporate College in South Bend, as well as an adjunct faculty member for a Division of Business and Public Services. I have experience teaching business courses as well as Corporate College non-credit courses. I have been with Ivy Tech since January 2013. I have a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Azerbaijan Oil Academy and MBA from Indiana University of South Bend. I have a professional experience working in the Telecommunications industry as a Project Coordinator and designer.
Contact Information
Email: yfeldleyfer@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 574-289-7001 ext 026862
Website: http://