White Pages

William Hahnert

Name: William (Skip) Hahnert
Location: Sellersburg
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Tutor
Building/Room Number: Ogle 160

Adjunct faculty and tutor.  Professor Emeritus.  Previously was Sellersburg Campus Dean for all nine programs in the School of Information Technology and Dean for the five programs in the School of Business, Logistics & Supply Chain.  Two year Lead I.T. Dean for the Ivy Tech statewide system.  Two year Lead Chair for Software Development . program for the Ivy Tech statewide system.  Course Developer, Course Mentor, Competency-Based Education development team member, IvyLearn LMS Trainer, and various other regional and state-wide roles. Thirty+ years experience in post-secondary computer science/engineering, information technology, mathematics, and physical science education. Substantial experience as a professional trainer in software and systems development; as a systems engineer and programmer for large and embedded systems; and as a manager/director in various capacities.  Several years in leadership of volunteer organizations - school boards, PTA, youth sports organizations, etc.

Contact Information
Email: whahnert@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 812-246-3301 ext 134168
Website: http://