White Pages

Valerie Golay

Name: Valerie Golay
Location: Valparaiso
Roles: Staff, NonCredit, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty NSA Cybersecurity
Building/Room Number: South Bend Room 200

I am currently a full-time Faculty for the School of IT at the South Bend/Elkhart Campus and I have been with Ivy Tech since 2009.  Over the past decade I have served in many roles with Ivy Tech:  formerly served as Lead Chair for IvyOnline School of IT, Lead Chair for the Networking Program for the state, Lead for Cisco partnership for the state, Department Chair for the School of IT at the former North Central and North West Regions and the current South Bend-Elkhart Campus, where I have taught in many areas of IT, specializing in Networking and Cyber Security.  I also served on the IT Sector Partnership Non-Profit startup in St. Joseph County, IN. as an expert in secondary education and the field of IT to bring businesses, secondary education institutions, non-profit IT training vendors and Indiana residents together to build the workforce in Indian’s Economic Region 2.

My educational background includes a Masters of Science in Computer Information Systems, with an emphasis in Security, a Bachelor's of Science in Information Technology Engineering, and an Associate's of Science in Computer Science.  I have studied through many venues including face-to-face, synchronous live-streaming, and traditional distance education, as well as having attended two different Community Colleges early on out of High School.  T I worked full-time during  all of my educational experience and I had to commute 45 minutes to the Community Colleges for evening classes after work.  During my last year at the Community College, I was pregnant and then a mother of an infant.  Those years give me a real understanding and empathy for my students at Ivy Tech - I was once one of you.

When I am not working, I spend time with my grandkids in Anchorage, Alaska.  COVID19 as put a big wrinkle in my time there, but my grandkids are able to spend time virtually with me nearly every day.  They  even save a space on the couch for "Grammy" to set the tablet down so I can watch and comment on XBox games.  It is very sweet and they are joy of my life.  

Contact Information
Email: vgolay@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 574-289-7001 ext 026823
Website: http://