White Pages

Stephen Rust

Name: Stephen L. Rust
Location: Fort Wayne
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Building/Room Number:
Bio: Sylvan.Learning Center Bio for Steve Rust 7/31/03 (revised: 8/15/2016) I feel fortunate to have been born in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The Missouri state motto is "Show Me", which has served me well, being very close to the Math teachers' motto of "Always Show Your Work." I did my growing up in Fort Wayne, attending Frances Slocum Elementary School, Lakeside, Lane, Snider, and IPFW, spending early summers at Klug, Lions, and Johnny Appleseed parks, and later summers on ladders painting houses, a favorite hobby. I like to include "fixing things that are broken", "finding things that are lost", "changing the oil in the car", and "helping the kids with their homework" as hobbies. Doing so helps me feel more a man of leisure. Assisting in my relentless pursuit of leisure are my wife and three kids: a former U.S. Marine son, a phlebotomist son, and a college grad daughter. I think three kids is a good minimum, as we never could have gotten by with fewer.
Contact Information
Email: srust1@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://