White Pages

Sean Russell

Name: Ryan Russell (he/him/his)
Location: Lawrenceburg
Roles: NonCredit, Staff, Faculty
Title: Assistant Professor/DC
Building/Room Number: Riverfront - 415

Ryan (He, Him, His) is an Assistant Professor for the School of Information Technology and the Department Chair at the Ivy Tech Lawrenceburg Campus and Batesville Site. He is also the State Wise Lead Chair for the Information Technology Support (ITSP) Curriculum Committee. He's had over 27 years in the Information Technology Field including positions as a help desk technician and supervisor, database administrator, system administrator, project manager, and senior network engineer.  Besides inconveniencing electrons regularly, he also plays the occasion video game, mostly Star Wars, Star Trek, or Blizzard Entertainment stuff. A self-professed Star Wars Geek, he actually likes Star Trek, which some may think is weird.  When not "plugged in/logged on" Ryan enjoys playing mandolin family instruments, guitar, banjo, bass guitar, and ukulele. He makes chainmaille jewelry, art, and armor and inconveniencing electrons in a different as an amateur radio operator and hardware hacker.
Ryan is married to his wife of 27+ years, Marie, and has 3 children, Sara, Megan, and Spencer.  Sara was recently married to her husband Frank and they have given Ryan and Marie their first granddaughter Annamarie.

Assistant Professor
Department Chair for the School of IT
Statewide Lead Chair ITSP Curriculum Committee
(office) 812-537-4010 x7302| srussell149@ivytech.edu
Lawrenceburg Lakefront Campus, Room 1368 | 
500 Industrial Drive | Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025

Contact Information
Email: srussell149@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 812-537-4010 ext 117302
Website: http://