White Pages

Sarah Cote

Name: Sarah Cote
Location: Bloomington
Roles: Staff, NonCredit, Faculty
Title: Dean - School of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Science & School of Public Affairs and Social Services
Building/Room Number: B114

I was raised in Cinicinnati, Ohio and attended The Ohio State University where I earned a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Science with a specialization in water.  Upon graduation, I moved to Blacksburg, Virginia where I attended Virginia Tech, earning a Master's degree in Aquatic Entomology, where my research focused on studying and improving the volunteer stream monitoring program in the state.  After graduation, I worked for the volunteer program to train the volunteers in the improved method, then I moved to Bloomington with my husband Ken, who works as a nursery inspector for Indiana Department of Natural Resources.  I started teaching at Ivy Tech in January 2003 as an adjunct teaching Biology classes, but when the Biotechnology Program started, I started teaching biotech classes as well.  In 2007 I was hired full time, and in fall of 2017 I became program chair of the newly developed Biology TSAP degree.  While I like to spend time in the lab, in my heart I am a field person, so I have loved being able to grow that portion of our biology classes.  In fall of 2020 I took on the oversight of the Biotechnology Program, making me the Department Chair of Biology and Biotechnology.  Outside of Ivy Tech, I enjoy being Mom to my son Nicholas.  I also enjoy hiking, reading, baking, and many types of crafts from quilting to crochet to scrapbooking.

While I have taught many classes over the years, my primary teaching focus is on teaching BIOL 101 (Introductory Biology for non-majors), 105 (General Biology I for majors - focusing on cells and cell processes) and 279 (the capstone class for Biology majors).  I think that we all learn best when immersed in the material being studied, so we spend much in class time focused on activities that allow students to organize and apply the material we are learning.  We also have Canvas sites with many resources, from fact sheets, diagrams to label, videos, etc.  Each semester we arrange for at least one field trip and at least one on campus visit from a working Biologist.  In addition, we will soon have an Outdoor Learning Lab to immerse ourselves in the life we are studying!

I currently serve as Dean of the School of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Science, as well as the School of Public Affairs and Social Services. I am enjoying getting to know more about the programs in these schools.

Contact Information
Email: scote@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 812-330-6310
Website: http://