White Pages

Dale Lowry

Name: Rick Lowry
Location: Systems Office
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty (IvyOnline) - ASE
Building/Room Number:
Bio: Rick is Small Groups Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Evansville, IN. A graduate of Ozark Christian College and Cincinnati Christian Seminary, he holds degrees in theology and leadership. He has been married to Becky since 1980 and has two children, Amanda and Bryant. In real life he enjoys writing for publication, woodworking, running, reading good books, watching good movies, and spending time with his family. He dreams of one day taking a month-long cross-country trip on old Route 66 in a 1951 Ford Coupe.
Contact Information
Email: rlowry@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://