White Pages

Paul Daily

Name: Paul Daily
Location: Bloomington
Roles: Faculty
Title: Conversion
Building/Room Number:

Paul was born in Kokomo, IN and began performing on stage at the age of 10. He left town to pursue a BA at Indiana University in Theater and Drama, and he played George in "Our Town" as part of IU's mainstage season his senior year. After graduation, he moved to New York City, where he performed in multiple plays and film projects. While there, Paul also co-founded and then helped run the theater company Rabbit Hole Ensemble. The last show he was involved with at Rabbit Hole Ensemble, "The Night of Nosferatu," was picked up from off-off-Broadway and taken to Wellfleet (Cape Cod) where the Cape Cod Times deemed it one of the best shows of 2007. It also made Popshifter.com's list of Top Ten Things to Love in 2007. With the birth of his son, Paul moved back to Kokomo to be close to family. Paul was awarded Outstanding Lead Actorin a Play in New York's 2010 Planet Connections Festival. His work has been seen in Kokomo, Bloomington, Indianapolis, Boston, Washington, D.C., New York City and London, England.

Contact Information
Email: pdaily3@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://