White Pages

Nancy Frost

Name: Nancy T. Frost, M.S., MBA
Location: Bloomington
Roles: NonCredit, Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Building/Room Number:

Nancy has been at Ivy Tech Community College, Bloomington since August, 2000. Her undergraduate degree was in Secondary Education (English and Special Education), and she holds an MBA in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations, as well as a masters degree in Educational Psychology, all from Indiana University, Bloomington.

Nancy spent her first five years at Ivy Tech teaching various courses in the Business Administration program. In 2005, she was promoted to Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, a title which was changed to Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs in August, 2008. She returned to faculty at the rank of Associate Professor in the fall of 2009 and taught several courses in Psychology during the following four years. In the fall semester 2013, she returned to the Business Administration program and now teaches a variety of courses at both the 100 and 200-level, as well as serving as the Department Chair for the Business Administration and Supply Chain Management/Logistics programs.

Before coming to Ivy Tech, Nancy had been employed as a Regional Account Manager in the Key Accounts division of InterArt/Sunrise Greetings in Bloomington. Prior to that, she had been employed at Indiana University for a number of years, first as the Director of Student Employment in the Office of Career and Placement Support Services, and later as Associate Director for Employer Development in the Placement Office at the Kelley School of Business.

Originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nancy has lived in Bloomington since January, 1979. Her community activities include volunteering at the Bloomington Thrift Shop, participating in the Franklin Initiatives Reality Stores exercises, representing Ivy Tech at community events, participating on the Human Resources Committee for the Bloomington Boys and Girls Club, and serving on the Board of Directors for the Limestone Symposium.

When she is not on campus, Nancy enjoys decorative painting, bargain hunting at thrift stores, reading action thrillers, sharing time with friends, gardening, puttering in the kitchen, and spoiling her dogs (Cassie and Ernie).

Nancy can be reached through email at: nfrost@ivytech.edu and by phone at (812) 330-6130.

Contact Information
Email: nfrost@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://