White Pages

Mindy Ward

Name: Mindy Ward
Location: Richmond
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Building/Room Number:

Mindy obtained her associate degree in animal science from Northeastern Junior College, a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Colorado State University and a Master’s of Science in Animal Nutrition from Kansas State University.  During her 26 year career with Cargill she has been involved in design and collection of animal research data, worked as a swine nutritionist, managed the Sunlgo Show Feed Business, Managed Marketing and Customer Service, joined the beef team as a Go to Market Manager and helped Cargill Animal Nutrition and Health Commercial and functional leaders across the business on a range of critical projects in support of executing the 2025 strategic marketing and technology initiatives.  Currently, Mindy works as the Director of Client Services and as a Pet Nutritionist for a pet innovation company.  She has a passion for Agriculture and enjoys teaching the fundamentals of agriculture, animal science and animal nutrition to the next generation.

Contact Information
Email: mward190@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://