White Pages

Melissa McNabb

Name: Melissa McNabb, Ph.D
Location: Evansville
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Building/Room Number:


Melissa Brundick McNabb is a Ph.D. of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education from Indiana University Bloomington. McNabb holds three master’s degrees: a M.A in Arts Administration from IU Bloomington, a M.A. in Education/Certificate in Administrative Leadership from The University of Southern Indiana, and a M.A. in Theology from St. Meinrad Seminary. McNabb's undergraduate degree is a B.S. in Opera Performance and Business.

Dr. McNabb was the Indiana University School of Education 2018 Outstanding Adjunct Educator Award recipient, a 2013 National Peabody Leader in Education Award recipient, an EVSC 2013 Middle School Language Arts Teacher of the Year Finalist Award recipient, and the 2009 Leadership Evansville Award for Educator of the Year.

During the summer of 2017, McNabb took part in an English as Second Language (ESL) research endeavor in Beijing, China on behalf of Indiana University's Department of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education. Melissa’s current academic and research interests center on underachieving beginning college students and the intersection of critical literacy, multicultural literature, and the methods of best practices for classrooms. Dr. McNabb enjoys the experience of helping students achieve their academic goals and is passionate about comprehension techniques which facilitate excellent learning outcomes.

Prior to earning a Ph.D at IU Bloomington, McNabb taught ten years of elementary and middle level language arts and religion in the parochial school system of Evansville, Indiana. Before embarking on a teaching career, McNabb owned a small business for ten years and prior to that performed in operas as a mezzo soprano.

Dr. McNabb taught in the LCLE Department at IU Bloomington for six years, specializing in literacy and culture courses: E339 - Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing, K-3; E340 - Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing, 4-6; E340 TAL - Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing, 4-6 for Special Education majors; X460 - Tradebooks for Children's Literature; X470 - Socio/Psycholinguistic Approaches to Reading; and L502 - Graduate level, Socio/Psychlinguistic Approaches to Reading. As well, McNabb taught two courses in the Transition to Teaching Program at The University of Evansville: The Philosophy and History of Education and Diversity in Classrooms.

Dr. McNabb currently teaches two courses at Ivy Tech Evansville Community College: IVYT 111 - Success in College and ENGL 95 - Integrated Reading and Writing. Dr. McNabb enjoys teaching in both modalities at the college level, on-campus and online.



Contact Information
Email: mmcnabb3@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://