White Pages

Max Hoke

Name: Max Alan Hoke
Location: Lafayette
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Building/Room Number:

I just love teaching speech!

For many years I was a teacher in the Tippecanoe School Corporation in Lafayette. I later served as a principal in the North Miami, North White, and Eminence School Corporations.

In 2011, I was frustrated with the politics of Indiana's public education at the state level, and I retired. Well, sort of... for a few months, while my wife was still teaching, but the high point of each day was exercising at the YMCA. I wasn't really ready for complete retirement. So, I became a bookseller at Barnes and Noble. After a few years at B&N, I started at Ivy Tech. And, did I mention that I just love to teach speech?

I live out in the country near Lafayette with my wife, a retired teacher/librarian from Jeff HS, and our wonder dogs Charlie and Cubby. We have an adult son who is an assistant principal at Jeff HS, and our daughter-in-law is an LSC teacher. We have two grandsons who are neither teachers nor principals...yet.

Contact Information
Email: mhoke11@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://