White Pages

Jon Youse

Name: Jon Youse
Location: Fort Wayne
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Director of Educational Technology Support and Operations
Building/Room Number: SL 124 - Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne Ed Tech Office Hours 8am to 5pm. I am in the phycial office in Student Life 121 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I work from home on Mondays and Fridays.

I am the Director of the Fort Wayne campus Ed Tech team. For assistance with educational software and technology, please submit a case in IvyService. For general questions and inquiries about educational software and technology, please email our group. For your convenience, you can also directly book an appointment with our team.

I have a BA in Communication from Purdue Fort Wayne, MBA from University of Saint Francis, and MSOL from University of Saint Francis. I've been working at Ivy Tech since January 2021.

Contact Information
Email: jyouse@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 260-480-2081
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-youse/