White Pages

Frances Vega

Name: Frances Vega
Location: Lake County
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty - INDT/AMEAS
Building/Room Number:
Bio: Frances (Pedroza) Vega - Steele is currently the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs for Ivy Tech Community College ' Northwest. She continues to work with statewide Diversity efforts of the college in order to continue her efforts in her past position of State Director of Hispanic/Latino Outreach. She has been employed with Ivy Tech for over 20 years serving in many capacities throughout the years. Frances currently served on many boards including the Indiana State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, National Conference of Puerto Rican Women (NACOPRW) of Northwest Indiana, the Associacion de Lideres Mexicanos en Accion (ALMA), member of the Hijos de Borinquen in East Chicago and she currently is completing her term with CICOA (a board that helps build communities that enable older persons and those of any age with a disability to live with the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life), and Badges without Borders (a board that helps provide necessary language and cultural training for public safety officials in order to better protect citizens) Frances completed the Diversity Leadership Academy of Greater Indianapolis (DLAGI) in 2005, the Master Teacher Academy and the Leadership Academy of Ivy Tech. She is currently participating as a candidate in Leadership Northwest Indiana. Frances has dedicated the last 20+ years of her life to Education. She taught for 12 years before going into Administration. She has served on the committee for Mapping Education towards Achievement (META), Project Stepping Stone and the newly formed HOPE (Hispanic Organization Promoting Excellence). She has served on many Education committees and is always encouraging students to succeed. She has many awards and recognition for her hard work and dedication. Frances received the Women of Distinction Award from the YWCA. She had the honor of receiving the Glenn Sample Award for excellence in teaching, a statewide award presented to Frances in 1996. Her most recent award was the Hispanic Leadership Award in Education given to her at the Latinos Count Conference in Fort Wayne.
Contact Information
Email: fvega@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://