White Pages

David Bohlmann

Name: Dave Bohlmann
Location: South Bend_Elkhart
Roles: Staff, Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty - INDT
Building/Room Number:
Bio: I've been a computer/software/systems engineer since 1981, working for various Defense, Consumer and Industrial electronic firms. Some of my defense work is already in museums, and one project is stashed away at the Smithsonian somewhere, lol. Currently I have a patent pending for a special HVAC BACnet protocol method. I enjoy flying and astronomy. I've led local student groups in making mirrors for satellites, that were launched in 2000-2001, and I have made a few contributions to NASA's on-line Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.
Contact Information
Email: dbohlmann@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 574-289-7001 ext 029001
Website: http://