White Pages

Brian Allred

Name: Brian Allred
Location: Sellersburg
Roles: Faculty
Title: Dual Credit Instructor
Building/Room Number: RA 112

Brian Allred is the principal of Renaissance Academy, a New Tech High School of Clarksville Community Schools in Clarksville, IN. He earned the bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees in chemistry. He became interested in chemical education while a graduate student at the University of Louisville and obtained his secondary certification. In 2006, he earned his building-level administrators license and entered the administrative ranks by accepting the assistant principal's position at Clarksville High School.. In 2009, he became principal at Clarksville High School and in 2013 was named founding principal of Renaissance Academy. In 2014 he completed his superintendent's certification. He is credentialled to teach IVYT 111 and GENS xxx.

Contact Information
Email: ballred2@ivytech.edu
Work Phone:
Website: http://