White Pages

Anne Gray

Name: Anne Gray
Location: Bloomington
Roles: Staff, NonCredit, Faculty
Title: Dean, School of Arts, Science and Education; Dean of Teaching & Learning
Building/Room Number: C119

Annie received her undergraduate degree from Goshen College with a double major in English and German and a minor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages). She did her graduate work at Indiana University, earning her MA in English. She completed her PhD course work and exams but before finishing her dissertation, she took time off to buy land...and then never looked back. Annie lives in the country with her husband. They have one son (now grown), one horse, one dog, one cat, and too many sheep to count, but only one sheep that matters. His name is Ivan, and he likes potato chips and stale bread.

Contact Information
Email: agray@ivytech.edu
Work Phone: 812-330-6038
Website: http://